Saturday, January 02, 2010

Love The Weather

I was unwell the past two days. Since I am gradually recovering from my flu today, my family and I have decided to visit the nearby beach to get some fresh air. And, it's also the first time for Baby K to visit the beach. He's very excited and mumbled many baby words to us. On way home, out of our expectation, Baby K had a deep sigh in the car as if to comment that the beach trip was too brief. We all laughed at his cute gesture :-D


{K} said...

I hope you're feeling better! Baby K sounds really cute. :)

Pancake Queen said...

Baby K is getting more and more naughty too, of course he is still very cute!!

Yesterday we asked him whether he likes his grandpa more or his granny more. Instantly, he said to my dad, "Nooo, grandma more".

Hahaha ..