Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I used to run religiously like a rat on treadmill when I was in Brisbane four years ago. I got slacking the last couple of years, and my weight has creeped beyond my ideal weight these days. SO, I go back running again. It was tough in the beginning when I couldn't run beyond 3 laps without much resting in between. Endurance and pace got better after my sister Woofhams's encouraging words when she was home. Now I could run 12 laps and beyond when I am in good mood and not overload with too much work. Besides, 6 laps are normal to my routine now. I am proud of myself that in the gym, I could beat all the younger women and even all other gym goers. I must say three cheers to my endurance level these days.

You will be wondering why that photo for today's posting. One day during our trip home from the gym, my make-up words ability beaten my speech-speed and I kept referring Marathoner as Maratonist until my sister corrected me. HeHe ... I am always such creative!!!


Anonymous said...

Keep it up, you're good Che.

You were the second long lasting person on the treadmill ;)

Pancake Queen said...

Since I am not training as Marathonist ... err hehe .. Marathoner, should I get RS100 instead of RS200sd? I have checked F11, the watch is too boring!

Anonymous said...

RS100 is not bad too but I heard from my friend that the heart rate monitor strap is not as good as rs200sd.

If the price difference is a lot, then get rs100 but not much, I reckon you might as well prepare yourself as a marathoner :) at least a 1/4 marathoner or even half marathoner for next year.

It will be so fun to run with you and Boy in the Standard Chartered Marathon next year. So cool!

Pancake Queen said...

Ok, I'll check the price of RS100. I've checked F5 & F11 prices, prices lower than RS range but the watch is boring - I must say!