Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pancakeism Edition 2007 Chapter 26 Page 6

Woofhams has written a posting specifically for me - I was and still am on cloud 9! Actually what made me happier is her understanding and appreciation of how I want my life to be. When I was younger, I wanted a hustle-bustle life, a small apartment of my own with my own furniture, a decent husband that is not-too-bad and an angry-but-funny-looking dog that will wait for me by the door when we come home from work. My day would be packed with work and gym on week days, dinner parties with friends, weekend picnics with family. That was the life I wanted.

Reality and dreams are not necessarily mutually-exclusive, but many times not many people are so lucky to realise their dreams as the way they always wanted them. From my point of view, that is not too bad either. Life would not be challenging if reality = 100% dream. Furthermore, if we are contented with a permanent dream, we will forever not stepping out of comfort zone and will never be able to improve ourselves.

My life now might be dull in many eyes, but I am happy and contented because I believe I work hard to give better quality of life for everyone at home and I believe all my work are not in vain - one day, I will bring about a few good changes to people around me. I do not want to be a Nobel Prize Winner or a Top Book Seller - A great pleasure in life is knowing that you are improving every day and the very comforting thought is that what you know now is more than what you knew ten years ago.

Life may test me, it cannot stop me from doing what I want for my life.


Anonymous said...

Well said. We can't allow others to rule our lives.

I reckon your life is more happening than the life which you wanted earlier :)

Pancake Queen said...

Thank you!

Btw, check out my posting today - answer to why I love my life now.

Btw, I saw Louis this afternoon - strange I still feel heart-broken for a split second. But don't worry, I am a YoYo, bounce back to norm in less than usual-expected time ;-)