Don't call me jumping on bandwagon! I really have the enthusiasm to (1) hold a photography exhibition before I turn 40; (2) publish a coffee table book on the same theme by 42 and (3) produce mechandise items to promote Brunei tourism on the same theme by 44. The subject is on "Smile". Life in the past 3 years has been very stagnant, and I have spent too much time on Economics that it starts to worry me that I might turn into a schizophrenic without a beautiful mind haha. We all need a balanced lifestyle, like the Positive Economics joke I always tell my students in the first lecture of my Labour Economics class: 8 hours of work + 8 hours of recreational activities + 8 hoours of sleep = 24 hours of "living" your life (antonym = "leaving").
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence - Helen Keller
Go and work towards it, Che :)
I believe you achieve your wish lists aslong as you want to. In fact, I reckon they are too achievable, judging your capability and intelligence :)
In fact, I've already started to discuss with relevant authority on (3). My two biggest concerns now on(1) are: (i) professional or small camera; and (ii) TIME!!! ;)
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