Last year this time, I was very moody, and it took me a whole two weeks to pull my thinking out of the dark tunnels of my thought (refer: March 03 2007 posting). There was less volatility in my emotions in the past 12 months. I am having better EQ, and able to control my anger and temper rather well in the past 1 year.
I was in my ex teacher's open house two evenings ago. She is the one and only ex-teacher who has become my good friend and also the one and only teacher who has changed my life. She is always very calm, opinionated but objective. She sat down with me and noticed I wasn't very happy when we chatted, which her initial suspect focused on Mr Scorpio. I told her whether Mr Scorpio is now a father of two children or not, does not have any more impacts on me and my emotion. I have moved on to a new chapter of my life.
My moodiness came from rather an irrational reason: I happened to pick up a Feng Sui magazine when I was in the hair saloon few days ago to wash my hair. The magazine says the year of rat is not that ideal for my work and health sectors. Of course, I won't choose to believe it, but nevertheless those few lines did affect my mood in the past three days. I have decided to spill out my thoughts, in case if you detect depressed tone in my writing again (which I doubt, though). I will be very careful, more careful than before.
Well, Statistics and Feng Sui both predict, but they work on probability not certainty. Based on what I have been trained, I should know this argument better, then why should I have a sulky face still, ha2!
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