Tuesday, September 26, 2006


If you were to notice, I hardly discuss work in my blog. Well, my blog supposes to function as a mean of escapism. HaHa.

But I can't resist to share this funny story that relates to my work.

After a meeting last week, a committee member (let's nicked her Ms Z) tried to Unbreak the ice and asked me: I heard you are practising Labourer Economics.

Pancakeism: Yes, I was trained in Labour Economics & Econometrics, but No, not Labourer Economics.

Ms Z: Oh! OK, pardon me. So, could you enlighten me with some insights of Labour Economics. I found it unbelievable why on earth a person wanted to spend 3 and half years to study on labourers when she could have earned more from studies on stocks speculation.

Pancakeism: It's personal preference. Studies on stocks and shares are principally more finance based, and we do have some of the relevant theories in Monetary Economics. Btw, Labour Economics is not synonymous with Labourer Economics. Labour Economics is the study of interplay between employers and employees, or in short, between demand and supply of labour. We do not have the branch of Labourer Economics in Economics's family tree.

Ms A: OK now I understood Economics better ... so besides looking for cheapest way to remit money to labourers' country of origin, what other things do you practise in Labour Economics?

Ugh. An old Chinese aphorism is true: Playing Guitar to Buffalo.


Anonymous said...

This is funny. It reminds me of my committee members too. Anyway, I am extremely tired from attending varioud meetings ie. church, communicty and work.

I think I am trearing myself down.

Pancake Queen said...

I believe you need to re-strategise your work plan ie. attend those meetings that you believe you could contribute and make a difference. Do not attend them only that you feel you have a duty to. After my foot injury, I've looked at many things in a different light. I want a life that has meanings in it, not just work. I want to work on things only when I could feel I have learnt in return, things that could make me laugh, make me feel useful and most important of all, make me feel I am in control of my own life. Hope my words are productive ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, will work on it :) Thanks, Che.