Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Just Thinking

What do you normally do to cool down when you are angry?


{K} said...

When I'm really angry I like to cool off for a while, then maybe write about it just to vent. Writing always works for me.

Senor Pablo said...

talk to a friend, take deep breaths, think of beautiful things that u enjoy...
I normally vent it out on lifting weights...go to gym.heheee. do yoga, swim or hike..hehee..
Hope things are well with PQ. Should not get little things in your way...
take care..

Pancake Queen said...

Junebug: Yesterday happened to be one of those lousiest days! Anyway, to de-stress, I went for a hair cut before my gym session :-)

Thanks for your tips!

Pancake Queen said...

SP: A few unpleasant things came up yesterday, i.e. one thing after another. To de-clutter my thoughts/ cool down/de-stress, I went for a hair cut instead and then my gym. Haha.

Yes, should not let little things in my way, I'll remember that. Thanks!