Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Danger below: A major traffic jam leading to Kiulap roundabout caused by the closing of the underground pass due to flood water still stuck in the tunnel. Picture: BT/Rudolf Portillo (

We were informed that normal power at our housing area may be back in two days if rain stops.
No power. No internet. No lights. No air con.


Anonymous said...

No treadmill to run too :(

Nevermind. All of us will be chit-chat without our distractions. Haha.

{K} said...

I hope you all get power back quickly!!

Pancake Queen said...

Haha Woofhams .. strange that light came back and power resumed the minute you came home hahaha ..

Pancake Queen said...

JuneBug: Yes Thank you, power resumed at 12 midnight (Thanks God!) this morning. Lights came back and power resumed the minute my sister reached home from abroad haha ...