Can anyone tell me what should be the most rational reaction when you bumped into an ex boyfriend, and he tried to treat you like a stranger when you were about to greet him?
Pancake's answer: Ignore him, further reassures that you have made the right choice 6 years ago.
He's probably too hurt, and still feels inferior in front of you, to the extent that he can't even lift up the corners of his mouth to smile or say "hi" to you. On the other hand, 6 years from then and still not got over from it, suggests that he is a little too weak. Please forgive him. And do not expect much from him, until he takes the initiative to greet you if he ever does in future.
Actually the saying is true: If you loved someone, you would like him/her to be happy even at your expense.
May be Welfare Economists are right (though I doubt): the Pareto Efficiency occurs at the point where one person cannot be better off without another worse off!
HeHe .....
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